Friday, April 24, 2009


Jeff talks in his sleep which can make for some funny stories. Want to hear one?

I'm up in bed reading one of the Twilight books (yes, I finally succumbed to all of the hype) and it's about one in the morning. Jeff has been asleep for a few hours. All of a sudden Jeff begins to giggle. I look over and he's got a big grin on his face as he laughs. I wait for him to say something but instead he opens up his eyes. He looks at me as if he doesn't recognize me. I can't tell if he's awake or still asleep.

Then, all of a sudden his eyes start to bulge out in surprise. They look as if they're going to pop out of his head. (Have you ever seen Pee Wee's Big Adventure? Do you remember the trucker lady that ends up being a ghost? Yea, that's what he looked like) Jeff also has his arms crossed over his chest. He sits up as if he's frightened of me. He's literally shaking. I can't figure out if he's in pain or what. Next thing I know we both scream. I'm not sure who screams first but I jump out of the bed and yell out, "Jeff!" He finally wakes up and we're both looking at each other trying to figure out what just happened when we hear Sofía next door crying. Our screaming woke her up. Poor little Sofía.

Speaking of her, here she is at Sugarhouse park.


alison said...

I loved that story. What a classic. You share great stories on your blog.

Anonymous said...


What cute pictures of Sofia!

Brooke said...

That's hilarious! So what was Jeff dreaming about? (And I'm a sucker for Twilight myself. No shame in that!)

Heidi Bingham said...

That is too funny!!! What a goof ball. I love that you are keeping up on the blogging,it is so fun to see pictures!

Caryl McConkie said...

My sweet Sofia! Thank you Marcela and Jeff for the wonderful stories and pictures. It makes it slightly more bearable to be so far away. Give Sofia a kiss for me.
Love you!

Anonymous said...

I can sympathize with the sleep walker and talker. Nathan does it too and is scares the living crap out of me every time it happens. He screams, he runs around the house, he gets fully dressed and then goes outside. I have finally had to kick him out of the room and now he sleeps on the other bed because I can't handle being woken up for no reason at all that he can even recall!
Sofia is so sweet. How is your family?
We'll be in Provo in July. We need to get together!