Friday, March 5, 2010

Bathroom Humor

I was reading a post on my friend's blog that brought to mind something that happened to Jeff. Just to preface it - I got Jeff's permission to share this with the cyberworld.

About a week ago, he was using the restroom at his work. As he was in one of the bathroom stalls he hears another gentleman leave a stall and wash his hands. You know the drill. Then all of a sudden the lights go off. Apparently the guy turned the lights off on his way out. Jeff started to yell out, "Somebody's still in here! (or something like that)", but it was too late. He knew he was in trouble when he heard the second set of doors (I guess there's a double entrance) shut.

As Jeff describes it, the bathroom was pitch black. Yet, what was he to do? It's not like he could get up and turn the lights back on. He had to finish his business - in complete darkness.

This strikes me funny on a few different levels. First, who would turn off the lights of a public restroom in the middle of the day? I guess he was well trained by his parents to turn off the light. Also, Jeff told his workmates about this awkward situation. After doing so, one of his colleagues went to the scene of the crime. What did he do? He turned off the lights just to see how dark it would be. He later reported back to Jeff that he was right, it WAS very dark with the lights off. That would be something I would totally have done too! Although I'm not sure I would admit to it.

Sometimes I think Jeff works at Dunder Mifflin.


Misty said...

That is too funny. I love it!

Brooke said...

I've had that happen before, too, but the lights at my work are motion detection so I just had to wave my arms around high enough that the motion thing could see me. Can you picture it? (Sorry, maybe this it TMI!)

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! I think there are many of us who have had that happen to us.

Brinkerhoff said...

Brooke, I'll have to mention motion detected lights to Jeff. Maybe he could send a petition around at his work. :)